Ifield Brook Meadows


       Meadows, with SCNI (Sites of Nature Conservation Importance) status. The meadows form a lovely area to walk and they adjoin the village, so are easily accessible.  They are part of the flood plain of Ifield Brook; as a result they become wet in winter and Wellington boots are needed for walking.  There is a range of: trees (e.g. oak, ash, alder, holly); of shrubs (e.g. sloe, blackberry); of herbs (e.g. campion, umbillifera, plantain, ragwort). There is also considerable wildlife; deer and rabbits are seen there and considerable bird life, including owls.  The brook has crayfish and freshwater mussels. At one time the meadows were grazed.  They are now managed by HCA to retain them as meadowland. Decriptions include: “Traditional flat flooding meadow land; quiet despite being close to Crawley; Socially important for locals meeting when walking dogs or just walking; Skylark nesting site, beautiful wild flowers; Peaceful, very nice place to exercise and walk.  Free space to ‘take’ nature in and recover; Gorgeously rural. A meeting place for dog walkers. But so close to where everyone lives.  A hidden gem to some.”


Ifield Brook Meadows